May 23, 20234 min
An Open Letter to the MSC from Shark Guardian
An Open Letter to the MSC from Shark Guardian
Apr 3, 20234 min
Fisheries Observer reports of shark and whale abuse still ignored
A new investigation by Shark Guardian reveals that fishery observer reports of shark, ray, dolphin, and whale abuse on MSC vessels
Oct 11, 20223 min
Shark Guardian Activists Protest at InfoFish Tuna Conference in Bangkok
Shark Guardian Activists Protest Destructive Tuna Industry Practices
Sending Sharks to Extinction at InfoFish Tuna Conference in Bangkok
Oct 7, 20223 min
EU stops the trade of mako sharks from the Atlantic
The EU's species protection authorities decided to prohibit all import and export of mako sharks from the South Atlantic.
Jul 18, 20224 min
BREAKING! UK Shark fin trade ban moves forward in Parliament
On 15 July 2022 British Labour MP Christina Rees introduced her Private Member's Bill into the British parliament to ban shark fin
May 19, 20224 min
Shark Guardian’s Women in Science: Mareike Dornhege
Mareike is a shark researcher based in Japan who gained her PhD in shark ecology. She was featured on Shark Week 2020
May 10, 20221 min
Slipping through the net
Over the last few months, Shark Guardian investigators have been busy digging out evidence of systematic shark finning taking place in the W
Mar 17, 20223 min
Shark Guardian’s Women in ScienceMinorities In Shark Sciences – Amani Webber-Schultz
Amani is a PhD student at the New Jersey Institute of Technology. Her research will focus on shark morphology and biomechanics. Amani is on