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First Quarter Update 2019

Writer's picture: Shark GuardianShark Guardian

Updated: Oct 15, 2020

Here is a round up of Shark Guardian activities and projects during the first quarter of 2019. Additionally we highlight moments that have captured the worlds attention when it comes to sharks.


What an exciting start to 2019 when the famous great white shark ‘Deep Blue’ was sighted along with 2 other large female great whites off the coast of Hawaii. Deep Blue was first filmed in Mexico in 2016 as labeled as the largest great white filmed alive. See the video here:

Deep Blue seen in Mexico 2016

In early 2019 Deep Blue was filmed again in Hawaii. The focus on inappropriate touching and misidentification of Deep Blue herself almost made the world lose sight of what an awesome event this actually was – As George Probst (from Twitter) wrote: "Not only was Deep Blue, one of the largest documented white sharks on record, seen off of Oahu last week, but so was another shark who challenged her size closely enough for many people to mistake her for Deep Blue. Now, that's pretty exciting! And the third shark is exciting, too!"

Deep Blue seen in Hawaii 2019

With the number of Great White Sharks falling, causing concern globally, such events must be highlighted and reflected on positively. Let us hope for more excitement from great whites in 2019!


It was time to celebrate Chinese New Year this February. Even more exciting this year there was a lot of talk in the media about the reduced consumption of shark fin soup! Click the image below to see full article:

Time will tell and we hope our continued educational presentations targeting school children means future generations will make shark fin soup a thing of the past.

Presentations in Thailand

Shark Guardian Directors spread the shark vibe in their Thailand city, with Brendon Sing presenting to the Projects Abroad Volunteer Group and Liz Ward-Sing sharing shark fun with the little ones at Daisy Chains Nursery, both in Krabi.

Whilst the Shark Guardian Charity board continues to grow with more trustees, two more Professional Ambassadors also joined the ranks. Shark Guardian has big plans to increase their target audiences this year worldwide, so with the help of more Ambassadors this will be possible. Stay tuned!

MARCH 2019

More presentations

A busy March kicked off with a return to Khao Lak, Phang Nga, Thailand, for the Shark Guardian Directors. Once more a full house welcomed Brendon and Liz to the Happy Snapper bar and everyone loved learning about sharks, as well as ways to get involved with the charity and shark conservation.

Shark Guardian Book 2 is Published

And finally after much anticipation, the second book in the Shark Guardian series featuring Jed The Hammerhead was finally released! ‘Jeds big Adventure’ is now available for FREE for schools WORLDWIDE!

Liz and Brendon are extremely proud of this second book which was once again written and illustrated by Gail Clarke and feel it will be a huge success. Not only does it talk about sharks, it touches on many of the oceans’ troubles today; plastic, trash and coastal development. The team look forward to hearing feedback from the many schools who have already taken a copy and thanks to LUSH Charity pot for supporting this project

Support by:

School Presentations in South Korea via Skype

Gail Clarke and Liz had fun shortly after the books’ release by hooking up to Dwight School Seoul (South Korea) during their book week. Students asked Liz and Gail questions about writing, illustrating and of course sharks – what a treat for the students that such education is possible via skype! Don’t forget Shark Guardian offer skype calls to schools around the world plus Shark Guardian are planning a personal visit to Seoul in 2020!


And finally, SHARK WEEK BORNEO arrived!! Brendon Sing was proud to take part in Scuba Junkies SEAS shark week, opening the week of shark and marine activities with a presentation at the Scuba Junkies Dive Resort on Mabul Island. During the week Brendon did more presentations at Sipidan Water Village and Borneo Divers, as well as local school events and workshops. In addition Brendon helped in the removal of hundreds of Crown of Thorns from the local waters – imperative to ensure the reefs survive and the sharks there have a habitat!


During earth week in April 2019 Brendon Sing will be presenting to 3 schools in Bangkok as well as joining KPIS International School for their annual Swim event.

In early May Shark Guardian will once again be sharing educational materials as well as leading fun games at the Malaysian Dive Show (MIDE) in Kuala Lumpur. Come and say hi if you are there and test your knowledge in the shark species quiz! Two International Schools in Kuala Lumpur will also get a visit from Shark Guardian.

Stay in touch with us on social media to see if an event is happening in a town or country near you!


Shark Guardian UK Charity #1152654

Shark and marine conservation worldwide


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