Sharks Turning on Each Other: Is Technology Revealing a Hidden Ocean Battle?
Who Might Be the Predator Targeting a Shark?
Meet Lauren Connolly, Shark Guardian Ambassador
Why Do Sharks Still Have Such a Bad Name Despite Our Advancements in Knowledge and Research?
Lawsuit in the US Aims to Safeguard Marine Mammals from Foreign Fishing Gear and Enforce Seafood Import Bans
Guardians of the Deep: Shark Conservation in the Galapagos
Big Sharks, Big Problems?
Decline in Shark Fin Consumption in Thailand: A Success Story with Ongoing Challenges
High Seas Hazards: Sharks, Cocaine, and the Crisis in Our Oceans
Shark Guardian are proud to announce a new collaboration with In Sharks We Trust!
Salmon Shark
Porbeagle Shark
El Niño vs La Niña: Exploring the Divergent Impacts of Pacific Ocean Phenomena
Tiger shark shocks Australian scientists by vomiting echidna (spiny anteater)
Ocean's S.O.S: Urgent Call to Save Coral Reefs from Bleaching Crisis
Tracking Pelagic Thresher Sharks in Central Indonesia: Exciting Discoveries for Local Conservation
Protecting Sharks: Should Non-Reef Safe Sunscreens be Banned?
Unveiling Rarity: Exploring the First Smooth Hammerhead Shark Nursery in the Galápagos.
World's Biggest Tuna Producer Accused of Conning Customers with Empty Sustainability Promises
Shark Guardian Expedition Galapagos 2026 - Expedition Announcement
Fortifying the Future: Innovations in Coral Reef Protection and Shark Preservation
Is Our Planet Running Out of Time to Achieve UN Conservation Goals? 880 Years Away at Current Rates
Facing Extinction: Lessons from Prehistoric Sharks for the Conservation of Apex Predators
Meet Shark Guardian Ambassador Kendall Rose