Alex does not only find it important to save or to conserve our main life source on the planet, but finds the ocean (lakes, rivers, streams, etc.) to be representative of our mental state and our truest form yet.
“Our state of being in other words, that the ocean represents the best of evolution and that conserving the oceans would be saving our own selves from ourselves. Sharks, specifically, represent our best model to evolve quickly and efficiently not only for ourselves but for future generations and for the betterment of our planet. We've known for years now that they are necessary for the balance of the marine ecosystem, but humans need more than the science behind it. They need the reason it's important to each individual, what the magic of the ocean can do for them if they acted and stood up for conservation. It would not only give them a purpose, but it would teach them how to grow and evolve in their own lives more than they could ever possibly imagine. Plus, I just love being in the water, around the water, and surrounded by sharks. It's my Zen.” Says Alex
“I have been surrounded by bull sharks on a baited dive in West Palm Beach, Fl; I was surrounded by ragged tooth sharks in South Africa; surrounded by 4 Great Whites in a single cage while in South Australia; I was bumped by Emma, the 14' tiger shark in the Bahamas; I spent a season cage diving with Great Whites off Guadalupe; I am always on the lookout for my next shark adventure....”
Why would you like to become an Ambassador for Shark Guardian?
Why Shark Guardian? Seeing as how I am not on the frontlines of conservation at the moment, supporting Shark Guardian and your purpose would help me to fulfill that need of mine while I work towards building something for myself and others so when I return, I return with a splash!
What activities and Projects are you currently involved with?
So, as mentioned above, I am not currently involved in conservation. However, because I need to be around water I currently teach swim lessons to kids, and I was a deckhand on board a sailboat for 2 months while working at a local college so I can go back to school. I am going back to school so I can build something for sharks, for conservation, for our planet and to better our species. I also want to build a charter company and take people to see the world's oceans through my worldwide contacts. I am trying to put together a shark trip in August of 2025 to go back to South Africa and see blues and makos!

Social Media
IG- @awrightimg
Youtube- https://www.youtube.com/@awrightimg
Website- www.awrightimagery.com